Tuesday, September 2, 2008

PRATIKRAMAN -Audit of Karma

Good Morning Friends, Wednesday, September 03, 2008. Today is holiday in the school due to Savatsari. Savatsari is day for Pratikraman. In Simple words Pratikraman is to say SORRY to all. In our day to day life we might have hurt someone, we might have felt negative feelings for someone, we might felt jealous on someone, today is day when we can say Michhami Dukadam to all and by saying that we are doing Pratikranma and saying sorry to all.I read one very good note on Pratikraman. I like to share this note with all of you. It is Audit of Karma.

Friends, When time came for finalizing the annual accounts & preparing the financial statement of our bussiness at the year ending, lots of labour, tricks & planning are applyed to convert the black into white or to minimize tax liability & to get rid away from the eyes of Government. We all are doing the same thing, aren't we? For what we are doing all this? Just to save the precious money.
But have you think for a while about the preciousness of this rare human life? We are doing audits of our accounts many times but how much we have audited our Karma transactions for white & bright future? Why we are running away from our own inner government? Have you try to answer these questions any time? I am just making the aware about the auditing of inner self i.e. our inner spiritual world.

Can you able to guess what is the Spiritual term of Auditing?
Let me disclose that. We all know it by the name of “PRATIKRAMAN”. Normally it is thought that Pratikraman is the practice of Jainism only. Pratikraman is not particularly related to Jainism. Infact it is part of our each and every activity. Even in business world, we use this concept. May you get surprised by this thought but it as true as money is needed for business. Without Pratikraman our business will get ruined.

Auditing and Pratikraman is one and the same thing. If money is called the life blood of business then audit is the refinery that refines that blood.
Acc. To Montgomery “auditing is a systematic examination of books & records of business or other organization in order to ascertain or verify’ & to report upon the facts regarding its financial operations & the results thereof.

In above context, I can define Pratikraman as below
“PRATIKRAMAN” is the CRITICAL ANALYTICAL PROCESS OF AUDITING OF ALL THE TRANSACTIONS CONDUCTED BY THE SOUL. It is one of the essential processes of Jainism in which pardon is asked for the past mistakes and tries to get free from the worldly attachments and bad and jealous feelings & thoughts. It is the way of refining the character & behavior to make it simple & good.



liza said...

Thank you to Dhirendra’s blog, a very unique articles I found in your blog, who "sparked" the idea of creating my own page. The best of luck to you always!

rolly said...

I can't think on any spiritual name for audit. If you have one in your mind kindly published coz i also wanted to know if there is any!

erica2123 said...

Audit work is hard, but it's interesting to do it, coz you will know if there are bad things happening in ones business.!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure this your topic is most appropriate in all accounting works.