Saturday, March 12, 2011

What's in our hands?

What’s in our hands? Our lives are in our hands. We choose whether we’ll waste the hours, days, weeks, months, and years in our own quest or if we’ll live an obedient life that’s useful to our God. We will be surprised at what God will achieve in us and through us as we obediently do what He asks. Our life will be useful as we serve God faithfully all the way through others. This are what the thinking of all the volunteers who give their service in the Manav Parivar. Some of the effort which was given by the volunteers are here for me to share.

Registration Counter with 5 laptops and volunteers in white uniform giving their free service to such a huge act of humanity. Volunteers entered the names of the patients in the special software created at the Manavparivar Medical.

Manav Parivar provides a medicines outlet where all patients are given free medicines after being checked and examined by the volunteer doctors.

In the kitchen- more than 70 female volunteers at a time preparing rotis for the patients where lunch was given free to all. More than 425 kg wheat floor being used to make rotis and dal.

In the other side of the kitchen, men are those who mixed the food that will be given to many as part of the lunch of all people who visit the place.

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